Mammolina Parent Association

At Mammolina Montessori we feel both proud and privileged to have an active and energetic parent association that provides excellent events, support and communication to the parents of our students.

Welcome To Our Community

The Mammolina Parent Association was established with the objective of strengthening our relationships with families and making the most of the wonderful support and great ideas that our diverse parent body brings to Mammolina Montessori International School. Parents, students and school leaders have the opportunity to work together to enrich students’ educational experience.

With a collaborative approach, parents, families and school leaders bring different perspectives and insights, have a stronger shared problem-solving approach and help to deepen the values of Montessori education.

Mission Statement

The mission of Mammolina Parent Association (MPA) is to plan, organize and host meaningful school events, both social and educational, in a manner that truly enriches and supports the experience for all members, including students, families, staff and the board of Mammolina Montessori International School of Valencia. We share the Vision and Beliefs of MMIS:

Vision Statement:

Mammolina Montessori School’s vision is to apply the principles developed by Dr. Maria Montessori to create and sustain a safe, supportive, environment that offers rich opportunities to meet the academic, emotional, physical, and social needs of each child, and in which student(s) can become independent and responsible members of the world community while giving them freedom to explore, cooperate, create, and become lifelong learners.


Our mission is based on the belief that:

● Children have an innate love of learning
● Children have the ability to reach their full potential through their own efforts
● Children develop a vision of the universe in order to understand the unity that is in all things

The implementation of our mission depends upon a prepared environment which encourages:

● Time of exploration
● Opportunities for responsibility
● Love for our world and its diverse inhabitants
● A sense of gratitude for the special gifts which have been provided by others
● An awareness for gifts that they themselves may share with others

Class Representative

Each class is represented by a parent of that class for a one school year. The Class Representatives work with parents, teachers and the Parents Association to improve communication and effectiveness.

It is the role of the Class Representative to be a positive resource for their class by sharing school information, supporting the organization of school and class events and encouraging community building amongst families in their class and the school.

Parents, students and school leaders have the opportunity to work together to enrich students’ educational experience. The MPA is guided by the Constitution created by parents in collaboration with the school leaders. The MPA Constitution is supported by the clear Mission, Values and Beliefs stated above.

The members of the MPA are volunteers that act as a voice and a support for the whole community of families who are all members. The hope is the benefit of membership is felt by the children, families and school.

Take a look at some screenshots from the most recent MPA newsletter to get an idea of the events and communication that the parent association organizes.

Mammolina Parent Association

Class Photos

Class photos are an amazing way to preserve the memory of your child’s time with us here at Mammolina Montessori.

Forest Cleanup

Spending time in nature and also helping to clean up the forest is a part of the Montessori ethos and is very satisfying as well.

Conscious Adult, Conscious Child Workshop

The conscious adult, conscious child workshops ensure that all parents are fully aware of, and practicing the Montessori approach to parenting to ensure that their child gets the very best from the Montessori methodology that is implemented at Mammolina.

conscious adult

Forest School Club

Multi-sensory experiences in nature can help to reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance emotional regulation.

forest school club